Monday, November 10, 2008

week 6, thing 13

Delicious... never used it before. I watched the video, it was helpful but i got a bit impatient half way through and just started exploring.

i created an account. It took so long to add the few bookmarks i did. i tried to download the bookmarking tool but it didn't work. Perhaps if i was starting my bookmark list from scratch i'd like delicious more. ...Then again, i do tend to forget what sites i encounter & like.

So far i see it more as an "easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed from anywhere" than a tool for research assistence.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

week 5, thing 12

Rollyo... i'd never even heard of it before. i signed up & rolled a search but i forgot the password & email i used, so i signed up again and rolled a new search.

i'm not sure i like Rollyo. in both my searches i get a lot of results that aren't related to what i want (like i searched for a two-word song title and it gave me people's myspace sites that contain those words & other completely unrelated stuff). quotes help but still it provides some junk results.

i guess i kind of see the point in it... i think it's just easier to use google. i used google to find the sites to add to my rollyo in the first place. maybe i should give Rollyo more of a chance.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

week 5, thing 11

i already have a Librarything account... two actually. i like how easy it is to search & add books, and how you can see covers. i also like the connections so you can connect to readers w/ similar libraries. i used to use librarything more, but my collection outgrew the 200 book limit, so i switched to shelfari.

i made a widget of my favorite authors...

also i took the tour of LibraryThing for Libraries, it looks spiffy. it costs money though doesn't it?

Week 5, Thing 10

wow there are so many generators to choose from. fun! i could spend all day playing with them.

i made this glitter text at - Glitter Graphics

then i used this hero machine to knock out this thingy:
customizing my hero was fun... but not very useful.

then i used to make this:
(i had to get it a cat pic in this somewhere!)

then i used this puzzle maker to make a puzzle out of a photo i took.
this puzzle maker was my favorite generator. it was easy to use, though cutting & pasting the html didn't work on this blog. i also noticed that site has many other cool tools for images.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

week 4, thing 9

Finding Feeds... or not.

i tried all the different ways to search for feeds. i searched for 6 or 7 different topics (mostly music related) but only found one or two feeds using the search tools, much to my disapointment. i think all the sites were all confusing and not much help at all so i think i'll be avoiding them. but perhaps i wasn't using the correct terms, or perhaps i just have odd interests that no one blogs about, lol. however i poked around my favorite sites and found that some of them have rss so i subscribed to those. most of the feeds i've found are the ones they recommend.
i must say, this excerise was immensely frustrating.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

just some frustrated rambles!

today i'm typing this while trying to do the exercise about finding feeds. i've found a few i want to add but bloglines is giving me nothing but problems... now i'm sad. it was taking forever just to think so i started writing this blog while i was waiting. that still took too long, so i tried the "easier way" of adding the sub to bloglines to my favorites. still it's taking forever!

speaking of taking forever... i STILL haven't gotten my validation email from bloglines. i even had them resend it... three more times. is *hmm better not post my real name* not my email address? am i really that impatient?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 4, Thing 8

I rather liked this exercise. I knew a tad about RSS feeds but i'd never heard of newsreaders before. the tutorials were quite helpful, especially the video. At first i thought i wouldn't be able to find anything to subscribe to, but already i have 15 subscriptions, and that's without searching, lol.
I can already tell i'll use these in my personal life for things like lolcats & bands & books & other random stuff. As for work, i think bloglines be very useful while working on the myspace & facebook pages for keeping up to date.
I like that bloglines keeps all the blogs & feeds in one tidy place because i'm always finding blogs i like then forgetting about them. i also like how easy it is to add more feeds to your reader. the only issue i had was when i tried to add OPL's evanced RSS. It kept saying "There is a problem with the database. Please try again later" and "No feeds were found. Please verify that the website publishes an RSS feed" until i gave up.
i know OPL already uses RSS for events (which i love btw, it makes doing the myspace & facebook so much easier!) & closings. perhaps OPL could also have a newsfeed for press releases and things like that. i'd subscribe to that... if bloglines would let me! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

# 7 Blog about technology

"Anything technology related that interests you this week"? Hmm... quite a selection... I'm going to have to choose!

i think might be the best thing ever created, lol. In the past, i mostly used to discover new music by reading about them in magazines. most magazines i like are hard-to-find European publications and so when my (ex-)favorite easy-to-get magazine completely abandoned their roots & started covering music styles i'm not interested in, i was at a loss ...until i stumbled onto a year or two ago.

Through tags and comparing user charts, recommends bands. You can network with other users via groups & shoutboxes. i've recently started leaving comments on songs, artists, and albums as i listen to them. There’s a place to write journals (kinda like blogs!) which i've taken advantage of many times, plus you can add connections to songs & bands so your journal might actually get read by people w/ similar interests. They even have some free songs to download (another service i've recently started to use). Photos of bands ppl can add! Band info wikis edited by fans! Events near you!

i still hear about bands to check out through mags or compilations, but with i can actually hear several songs by them and decide for myself.

*giggles* i feel like i've just written a commercial for!

#6 more flickr

i played with the trading card maker. it was fun and a made this cute Leeloo card but i don't think it will have much practical purpose. --->

then i clicked the "flickr tools" link and found i'd been looking for a way to make nice animated gifs for sometime now. all i had to do was load & tag my pics to flickr, then enter my user name and a tag, choose which ones, the size & speed, clicked next and viola!
pimp myspace with Gickr
this is one app i definitely will use!

when i tried mappr is said "Note: As of 2007, Mappr is no longer processing images from flickr. Take a look at flickr to find images on maps" so i abandoned the pursuit of that app.

#5 flickr

Originally uploaded by dees7

I added this picture of my cookiebear to my brand new flickr account. She's cute so adding pictures of her is always fun :)

I took the tour and poked around a bit. I like the popular tags feature & the way you can view someone photostream in slideshow format... well i did once, now i can't seem to do it again. oh well, i'll play w/ it later and figure it out. I already have a photobucket account but i think i perfer flickr already.

i searched for Omaha Public Library and found only one picture. Searching for it with "full text" turned up 105 photos. When i searched for people w/ the term "Omaha Public Library " i found the account i think i made while working on OPL's myspace... oops forgot about that.

i linked my flickr to my blog. it was so easy. now i'll probably post too many pictures on it, lol.
just for practice i added the 2nd photo of Leeloo using blogger... looks keen!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Week #4 Register Your Blog

I hope i'm doing this right...

In week one i read about the wiki article about what library 2.0 is. Good thing too, because i read a few references about it while working on OPL's MySpace, but never knew quite what it was. I also watched the slide show about the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly effective learners.

In week two i created this blog and edited my profile.

Since i'm a bit of a "figure it out as i go along" type of person, i reckon step 7 1/2, Play!, will be the easiest for me. With things like MySpace i best learn how to get it to look the way i want by fiddling around until it's the way i want it to be. Although while playing i often use step 6 by finding ideas and tutorials in books and on other sites.

Initially while i was watching the slide show i was torn between steps 2 (because i'm not usually very motivated) and 4 (because i'm always doubting myself), but seeing the first line of this post i think #4 will be my biggest obstacle. Lack of confidence causes me to constantly change my mind and doubt things like whether or not i'll remember what i've learned.

I wouldn't say these first two weeks were "fun", more informative than my idea of fun, but i have high hopes for the week when we really dig in to things like Flikr, Rollyo, and Delicious.

I hope i've made myself clear.

p.s. i'd appreciate the best buy gift card if i complete the program

this is a test

  • this is my very first post on blogger. oooooooh fun. this is only a test.

  • i'm just messing about now

oooh that was weird! i added an image and now the layout is funky!