Thursday, January 22, 2009

week 8, thing 18

i went with google docs because i already have a google account.

  1. first off i uploaded a document i'd already made from my computer, then saved it. very nice :D

  2. then i messed around and made a document where i learned how easy it is to add comments & photos & links.

  3. then i took what i'm typing out of blogger and pasted it into google docs to try blogging it... and it did!

  4. then i looked at it's html and messed around with it a bit more

I like this app a lot... i mean A LOT. I can see my self using it at work, like when i'm writing blogs for the myspace (because myspace's blog editor is ooky and frustrating!) and also for personal use, like when i'm working on my website.

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